Be a sustainability legend

Create value for the business and the planet.
Implement sustainability agendas with technology designed to make your work more efficient, and ignite strategic and business corporate goals.

Be a sustainability legend

Create value for the business and the planet.  Implement sustainability agendas with technology designed to make your work more efficient, and ignite strategic and business corporate goals.
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Implement succesful

sustainability programs

HENUA TECHNOLOGIES SaaS enables companies of all sizes to implement and steer corporate sustainability programs, compliance, and process transformation agendas, that are efficient and profitable. Its solutions combine environmental management technology, innovation, and business intelligence so companies can meet their strategic, economic and ESG goals.


Simple, efficient, automated. From a single carbon footprint metric, to the performance of corporate supply chain.    
Carbon, water, energy footprints.
Economic, productivity, environmental.
Process, group of corporate facilities, suppliers.


Streamline compliance in a simple automated way.  Power your team. Reduce project risk. Keep compliance on track and your business flowing.

Automated data collection, monitoring, reporting.
Track workflows, tasks, dates, deliverables. Receive alerts and reminders.
Audit, check status and achievements.


Build reports for different standards, norms, stakeholders. Live data turns them into an effective decision-making tool.

Materiality matrix, ODS, GRI, IFRS-SASB, corporate, country specific.
Economic, operational, environmental and compliance reports.
Updated dashboards are key to achieve corporate goals.


Implement, efficient and profitable, sustainability and process transformation programs.

Set economic, operational, environmental and ESG objectives.
Track tasks, dates, deliverables, achievements. Receive alerts and reminders.
Steer to achieve strategic, economic, process and environmental targets.


Create value for the business and the planet. Circular economy is efficient, profitable, sustainable.

Select processes; economic, operational and ESG objectives.
Track targets, budgets, deliverables, achievements.
Identify improvements.  Manage processes and the supply chain to amplify the impact on corporate results.

Supply chain

Collaborate with customers and suppliers to unlock efficiencies. Improve economic, operational and sustainability agenda results.

Set objectives, gaps, KPI´s.
Analyze processes. Identify improvements. Collaborating with customers and suppliers to optimize results.
Improve processes, create new products and services.
Add value to customers, suppliers, and the business.  


Steer sustainability and business transformation strategies, to meet regulatory demands and corporate goals.

Achieve strategic, economic, operational and ESG objectives.
Discover value in new products, services, and markets.
Power and transform your business for the carbon neutral economy.


Customers, suppliers, business partners and investors prefer companies that are ready for the carbon neutral economy.

Companies with a bright future are
ready for carbon neutrality

Companies with a bright future are
ready for carbon neutrality

HENUA TECHNOLOGIES Corporate Sustainability Suite

Develop more sustainable production, and business models


Seamless compliance. Automation covering from carbon footprint metrics to corporate sustainability and process transformation programs.


Implement profitable sustainability agendas. Improve processes and optimize the supply chain to achieve economic and ESG targets.


Holistic view and insights to meet regulatory demands, corporate economic and ESG targets.


To move in the right direction.


Economic, sustainable, strategic.

El futuro es de las Empresas que se integren con Éxito a la Economía Carbono Neutral


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

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For consulting companies

Amaze customers and competitors with leading technology for corporate sustainability programs, compliance, reporting and process transformation for a carbon neutral economy.
Ignite your services.
Generate new revenue.
The perfect complement for sustainability professionals.
Book a meeting

Ready for a demo?


We are developing technologies to help businesses achieve sustainability goals and comply with regulations while meeting their business objectives.

Juan Manuel Zavala O.

Creamos tecnologías para facilitar el logro de los objetivos de sostenibilidad y el cumplimiento normativo en las empresas.

Juan Manuel Zavala O.


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Networks and alliances

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